So, turns out that one Sunday evening in February, I had the opportunity to play at the Olympic stadium in Rome, right before the Lazio-Inter match – and before the explosion of the coronavirus psychosis – on a warm, exciting, […]
So, turns out that one Sunday evening in February, I had the opportunity to play at the Olympic stadium in Rome, right before the Lazio-Inter match – and before the explosion of the coronavirus psychosis – on a warm, exciting, […]
Fare il punto sulla Miami Music Week 2019 e l’Ultra Festival numero 20 in poche righe è davvero difficile per me: voglio raccontarvi la verità di quello che ho vissuto e fornirvi un punto di vista a caldo da musicista […]
Ultra Music festival Miami I’m writing you all quickly before my flight bound for Miami. The ultra-music week is underway. For those of you who are foreign to this industry, let me elucidate you: what is the Miami Music Week? […]
Ultra Music festival Miami Sto scrivendo rapidamente prima del mio volo per Miami. La settimana dell’ultra music è in corso. Per chi non si sente del settore vi racconto: cos’è la Miami Music Week? Fondamentalmente, la Miami Music Week è […]
Yesterday evening I was a judge in a contest of emerging DJs in northern Italy: it’s not the first time and being acknowledged as competent to evaluate young DJs gives me a sense of responsibility. Disk-jockey’s today have at their […]