Living off of music means living off of passion, valorising oneself through something immaterial, which people associate to you as its precious vessel of sorts: precisely because of this nature that is common to many arts, such as a musician, […]
Living off of music means living off of passion, valorising oneself through something immaterial, which people associate to you as its precious vessel of sorts: precisely because of this nature that is common to many arts, such as a musician, […]
… “We continue as always by going back… we are in 2227, in the background of a destroyed world, AJ closes himself all alone in the training base, where his mission “is born”, where his only instructor is an artificial […]
The Space Violin Project è un concept album di musica elettronica. Ma è anche un racconto fantascientifico. Chi già lo sa ripassi, per gli altri, ecco una specie di “guida per principianti”;-) Abbiamo conosciuto Commander AJ sul ponte di comando […]
One of the most intense weeks of the year will end tomorrow with my return to Rome and a little well-deserved rest. My violin has withstood sudden temperature changes (35 degrees in Dubai – 10 in Amsterdam), I write this […]
And in fact, in a few days I will be playing in Minorca (Spain), Mykonos (Greece) and Dubai (United Arab Emirates): so, at least musically, my summer will actually not end on September 21st! Follow my social channels if you […]
Nell’ultimo post ho scritto 5 appunti a caldo tra Tokyo e Kyoto; ora, appena rientrato in Italia, ecco 5 consigli per chi vorrà andarci che, quando dovrò tornarci, saranno un promemoria anche per me. 1 informarsi bene: sapevate che il […]
Chi legge questo blog spesso segue un link trovato in un post facebook o instagram, i luoghi virtuali dove restiamo in velocissimo contatto quotidiano. Ho riaperto questo blog mesi fa: uno strumento che sembrava ormai meno “cool” è tornato ad […]
Tomorrow gives way to the hottest month of summer, which I will live for most part traveling around Italy and will end with my first ever tour dates in Japan. Jot down the dates you prefer and share this post […]
Many fans ask me questions on social networks, unfortunately I don’t have the time to answer them all (…and sometimes I don’t feel like being too intimate), but I hope that a few extra answers will make you all happier; […]
Molti fan mi fanno domande sui social, purtroppo non ho tempo di rispondere a tutti (alcune volte non mi sento di dare troppa confidenza), ma qualche risposta in più spero vi faccia piacere; ne ho selezionate 5. 1: Non hai […]